DIY Essential Oil Sleep Spray

I started making this spray because I wanted my linens to smell fresh before bed. After a little more research and development it quickly became my go-to, multifaceted spray for linens AND for sleep! I mist it over my shirt, hair and over our pillows before bed. I particularly enjoy it during pregnancy when my sleep is a bit more restless and disturbed than usual. It’s a simple addition to our bedtime routine that adds a little touch of luxury.


Combine all ingredients in a 4oz. amber or tinted spray bottle and spritz away! I like a stronger fragrance so I usually use 15-30 drops of essential oils in a 4oz bottle. I also always choose witch hazel over vodka as I like to mist it on my face and clothing as well, and witch hazel is a natural facial toner. Vodka does evaporate faster and thus dries on fabric faster.


Choose a few of your favorite oils and their properties and benefits and create your dream sleep combination!

Bergamot – A musky citrus fragrance, bergamot is like a hybrid between a sour orange and a lemon with a yellow-green peel. Most citrus essential oils are adaptogenic which means they can be both invigorating or calming depending on what the body needs.  Helpful for calming anxious feelings and also has skin purifying benefits. 

Cedarwood –  When used aromatically, cedarwood essential oil has a soothing and calming effect on the mind, encourages the release of serotonin which is converted to melatonin in the brain, and has been known to help in the treatment of stress and depression. It has a warm and woodsy fragrance that is grounding and calming.

Copaiba – Helps to soothe anxious feelings and calm emotions.

Clary Sage –  This essential oil has a calming effect that helps one fall and stay asleep. It has been shown to decrease hormone levels associated with stress and acts as a natural sedative.1 (Avoid during pregnancy.)

Frankincense– Often used for balancing mood and reducing anxiety. Helpful for pain relief and to alleviate stress. 

Geranium– “Known to reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, sadness, fatigue, and tension, thereby enhancing the general sense of well-being and relaxation, while offering relief to those suffering from insomnia.”2

Lavender – Lavender is uplifting and peaceful; its aroma can reduce anxiety and emotional stress, improve sleep, alleviate headaches, aid in respiratory health and improve mood.3 Also an effective treatment for heart accelerations and high blood pressure.4

Neroli – This spicy citrus scent has a calming effect and is effective for treating insomnia.4

Orange or Lemon – Like bergamot, orange and lemon are adaptogens that can be either be calming or energizing depending on what your body needs.

Patchouli – A musky fragrance that promotes sleep by being grounding and balancing for emotions.

Roman Chamomile – This rich floral aroma has a calming and soothing effect on the mind and body and is effective for relieving anxiety and stress.4 All of these qualities make it a top choice for sleep aid. 

Sandalwood – Sandalwood has long been used for relaxation and anxiety relief. It is a natural sedative as it calms the central nervous system.5 For some, sandalwood can actually increase alertness and wakefulness while keeping the physical body relaxed, so it is important to understand how your body reacts to this oil.

Vetiver – This oil is grounding for emotions.  It is known to help ease a stressed mind, relax the body,  reduce distracted feelings,  create a calm and restful environment and ease restlessness. This is a powerful oil for deep sleep.

Ylang Ylang – A lovely floral fragrance beneficial for relaxation and stabilizing emotions.  The aroma of this essential oil calms the mind and body alleviating common insomnia inducers.

Essential Oil Combinations for Deep Sleep:

  • 14 drops lavender, 8 drops bergamot, 4 drops ylang ylang
  • 12 drops lavender, 2 drops roman chamomile, 2 drops ylang ylang OR geranium
  • 10 drops lavender, 6 drops bergamot, 4 drops vetiver
  • 8 drops geranium, 4-6 drops lemon/bergamot, 4 drops cedarwood, 4 sandalwood
  • 8 drops bergamot, 6 drops frankincense, 2 drops roman chamomile 
  • 10 drops lavender, 6 drops frankincense, 2 drops roman chamomile
  • 8 drops patchouli, 8 drops frankincense, 8 drops lavender, 4 drops sandalwood
  • 10 drops lavender 6 drops orange, 4 drops sandalwood, 4 drops cedarwood


1. Lee K, Cho E, and Kang Y. Changes in 5-hydroxytryptamine and Cortisol Plasma Levels in Menopausal Women After Inhalation of Clary Sage Oil. PubMed. Epub 2014 May 7. Accessed May 20, 2020.

2. NDA. A Guide to Geranium Oil Varieties & Their Benefits. New Directions Aromatics. March 21,2018. Accessed May 21, 2020. 

3. Koulivand P, Ghadiri M, and Gorj A. Lavender and the Nervous System. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2013 March 14. Accessed May 20, 2020.

4. Cho M, Min E, and Lee M. Effects of Aromatherapy on the Anxiety, Vital Signs, and Sleep Quality of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Patients in Intensive Care Units. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2013, Feb 17. Accessed May 20, 2020.

5. Ohmori, Shinomiya, Otsu, Tokunaga, Hasegawa, and Kamei. Effect of Santalol on the Sleep-Wake Cycle in Sleep-Disturbed Rats. PubMed. 2007 August. Accessed May 21, 2020.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. This post is not meant to be medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider for professional guidance.

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Lachelle has a love for writing and holistic health. MBA, 500RYT Yoga Instructor, founder of Ello Lifestyle and Ello Candle Co., Lachelle spends most of her time as a wife and mother to two daughters, looking for ways to optimize health, create an efficiently running home, embrace the chaos, and pursue those things that make life feel enchanted.

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