DIY Essential Oil Sleep Spray

I started making this spray because I wanted my linens to smell fresh before bed. After a little more research and development it quickly became my go-to, multifaceted spray for linens AND for sleep! I mist it over my shirt, hair and over our pillows before bed. I particularly enjoy it during pregnancy when my

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“Aromatherapy is considered to be a holistic form of complementary medicine which works due to the combination of the chemical constituents, the method of administration and the effect of the aromas on the limbic system which affects mood.” – Laura Wallbank, Royal Berkshire Aromatherapy utilizes the essential oils extracted from plants for their therapeutic effects

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Creating a Birth Plan – My Birth Plan for Baby #2

“Isn’t that the way with babies–we think we have prepared ourselves and then they come, turning us inside out and showing how little we indeed know ourselves after all.” -Jeannine Parvati Baker, Prenatal Yoga & Natural Childbirth At my 28 week appointment with my midwife she suggested I create a birth plan for the delivery

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